Friday, October 10, 2014


Very quickly I  learned that T and I lived very different lives. As we where dating there wasn't much said about our families, just that he grew up Catholic and that I in an unconventional household. It wasn't till a few weeks after I had moved in how differently we were raised. As T was going to church everyday with his sister and mom, I was off trying to run away from my home of two lesbian mothers. Now don't get me wrong, I loved my mother's very much but they are a whole different story. Growing up I was taught to never judge, treat people with kindness and, to always be courteous. But growing up in the community that I did its hard to stay positive with all the negativity thrown at you. So as I got older my view grew very harsh judgmental of people before they could open their mouths. Taylor on the other hand, trusts everyone. There's only a few people out there who he gives not an ounce of trust to.When T told me that he was Catholic I made an instant opinion on him and told myself we would never work out. Yet when he learned that I was raised by two moms, he didn't blink a lash. I'm glad we're so different, it balances our views of the world out.


Everyone's experience with online dating is different, we've all heard the horror stories of teenage girls getting targeted from predators. But we've also heard the love stories from the more respected dating sites. T and I met on a website that's more known for hooking up and having a bad reputation. Funnly enough an old hook up showed me the site and suggested i use it, we haven't talked since. After a few dates from the site my feelings about serious relationships was not looking good. T contacted me with the most ridiculous profile picture, bucktoothed with acne and crazy red hair, coming off as a hormonal 14 year old. After a few day of constant badgering I caved figuring he wouldn't even show up. 45 minuets latter a giant red headed shy sweet faced man was pulling into my driveway in the tinniest car he could squeeze himself into.
Never in a million years would I promote dating websites to any one looking for a serious relationship, but I wouldn't knock either. If you've ever been in my situation where you did find someone online, don't let people knock you down for it. Some people meet in dark corners of bars, we just did it without getting beer spilled on our shoes.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Teenage Wedding

You see the thing is that no one knows the true story. Not one person has asked the right questions and I finally have found the courage to let it all out. In 2013 Minnesota was having a typical April with 3 feet of fresh snow when T asked me to move in with him. It was an hour away from my current job which I had no desire to quite. But all the same with knowing him for only 1 months I jumped on the opportunity and moved away. 2 months after that I was getting ready for bed when T throws a small black box at my head, of course I said yes. But the kicker was that one more month had gone by and when others where lighting off fireworks I was showing positive.

It's been just over a year since I found out I was pregnant, and in the year so much has happened.  Now with three jobs ,  an socially awkward husband,  a house and two dogs I have a little time to share my experience.  I'd like to set some people straight but also let others who have been in a situation like mine that you will make it though this rough patch. Being a teenage pregnant bride is not easy but it was a choice. I understood what I was getting into when I took my vows. What I write about are my experiences and my beliefs you can take them how you want to but I make to claim that what I did is what you should also do. And with that I hope that my stories shed light on a different life style.